Friday, November 17, 2006

Won't you be my neighbor?

Little Leo, mi amigo,
is the cat who lives next door
Wild and watchful,
Young and bashful,
Lately he’s been trusting more.

Used to lurk and sometimes dared near
When the big cats weren’t around.
Dared to sniff and watch me eat lunch,
Then would snatch food
From the ground.

Came the day he let me touch him,
Rub his head and scratch his fur,
Ooooh, he likes that! Now he lingers,
Eats from my hand
And stays for more.

Now my wife Pat
Says he’s a cat-
Achoo! He’ll stay outside, that’s fine!
But Pat is smitten,
By this kitten
and packs his lunch along with mine.

Little Leo, mi amigo, is the cat who lives next door.

1 comment:

Donna & Dennis said... infrastructure, and plinth-schminth! Little Leo, mi amigo! Now I can relate! So after the rebuilding of this historical home, will childrens books be in your future?

We look forward to your blog entries like we used to look forward to the Sunday comics! Keep up the good work with the house and your writing!
Donna and Dennis