Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Most "This Old House" episodes end in 30 minutes. Where did we go wrong??

Loyal friend Judy shows up to help paint

Vicki visited from California
Friends since Mexico City days, Sally and Steve
Exterior painting during and after

Domestication of Grey Girl continues
.The high cost of a free meal....


1. The 2 person paint crew is making a HUGE difference. The contrast that you see in the "Before" and "After" pictures (above) of the back of the house is incredible. It is also an encouragement to realize that there really is a house in there somewhere. Although we do have several more commercial breaks in our living episode of "This Old House", we are making visible progress.
2. A lady from the SPCA brought a trap for us to use. The plan for Bad Girl and Grey Girl is to catch them and have them neutered and vaccinated. The oblivious Grey Girl thinks that eating inside the trap is cool but, as Elmer Fudd would call her, wary Bad Girl is not so sure. (It took OSHA Babe 4 times to get it. Did you do better?) This should be interesting.
3. Saturday and Sunday, we had visitors from out of town. Vicki, a former associate at Covad in San Jose, CA, was in town for an annual "girls weekend" with a group of friends. OSHA Babe and I met her for breakfast on Saturday and then took the tour of the house. (Vicki, how was the spa appointment?) On Sunday, Steve and Sally arrived in town from Plano, TX. We met them at "This Old House" for the tour and then shared an outstanding meal. Steve and Sally, along with their children, were work associates from SBC days in Mexico.
NEXT STEPS: Guest editor, OSHA Babe, here, finishing up for Best Blogger Bo (now you know where the B.B. Brockman comes from. The Spurs need his support in the playoffs this week which explains the late publishing. During the first week of May we hope to give our 30 day notice at the apartment, and work on the upstairs bathroom and kitchen. I can move in without a kitchen, but the bathroom is a must! The floor man said he will come "after the first of May" so we hope that is sooner than later. We'll get a storage unit for the downstairs furniture and go ahead and move everything in that goes upstairs when the floors are done. The paint upstairs looks wonderful and I am having fun deciding on new linens for the master and guest bedrooms. I much prefer shopping to painting!

1 comment:

Grace said...

PAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT! I LOVE YOU! Happy almost pseudo-Mother's Day!