Sunday, April 20, 2008

Lily's room is ready and we're working on yours

Everything is ready and waiting for Miss Lily Belle

We call the two back rooms "Phase Two" Transformation from construction/storage zone to office and guest room has begun

The sheet rock work is not easy with floor and walls not quite plumb
The Final Four weekend brought visitors from Andy and Bethany's alma mater, Rochester College

Pat's Beth Moore Bible study group enjoyed lunch together in spite of the work in progress

1. Katy enters the hospital Monday morning and we are anxious to welcome little Lily Belle into our family. The last few weeks have found Katy resting at home to safeguard the pregnancy but her patience has been rewarded with good reports for mom and baby and tomorrow is the big day! Life really is good in Tobin Hill! We are so grateful to God for this blessing. Psalms 128 speaks of God's goodness in allowing us to see our children's children. We look forward to sharing our joy with all of you.

2. Bo and Charlie have been working hard on Phase Two-the back two rooms that were added on to the house 60 or 70 so years ago. They definitely did not have the quality workmanship of the rest of the house and sheetrocking has been a real challenge. Bo will give more details on all of that when he sits down to share our big news tomorrow.

3. We enjoyed a visit with guests from Rochester College who were in town for the Final Four weekend. Pat's Bible study group also had lunch together even though the dining room is adjacent to the work going on in the back two rooms. They managed to have a lively conversation even with the noise of the air compressor and nail gun and the work going on at the house next door.

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